We Enhance Port Chester's Education
Our Mission
The Tamarack Tower Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation 501(c) 3 organization. Our goal is to promote excellence in public education by providing Port Chester public school students and its teachers with resources and opportunities to support "Success for Every Student". We give out over $10,000 in scholarship awards to PCHS seniors and $4K in grants to each of the seven public schools. The Foundation also donated over $50,000 for the renovation of the PCHS Library (new floor, lights, furniture, drapes and wireless laptop computers), over $50,000 for a tree project that included the planting of 5 gardens and 62 trees around the PCHS property and donated a portion of the cost for SAT tutoring.
Karen Corbetta - Co-President
Maureen Josephson - Co-President
Freda Wesley - Treasurer
Ro Barone - Corresponding Secretary
Gail Rothweiler - Recording Secretary